API Reference

Our inline payment script allows you to integrate Payfonte to your website, and it enables your customers to make online payments without leaving your website. In this documentation, we will discuss how a customer can use inline payment JavaScript on your website to make a payment.

CDN URL for Payfonte javascript SDK is https://cdn.payfonte.com/payfonte.min.js

See a sample code snippet on loading the SDK:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Payfonte Demo</title>
<!-- body -->
<body class="main-layout">
<button onclick="showCheckout()"> Pay 1000.00</button>
<script src="https://cdn.payfonte.com/payfonte.min.js"></script>
    function showCheckout() {
        const handler = new Payfonte({
            environment: "staging|production",
            reference: "{{reference}}", //if you have your own transactionId you want to track this payment with
            clientId: "{{client-id}}",  //required, Your client-id
            amount: 100000, //required Amount in the lowest denominator. If no lower denominator multiply by 100 e.g amount * 100
            metadata: {}, //your data that will come back with the event
            customer: {
                name:"John Doe",
                email: "johndoe@gmail.com",
                phoneNumber: "23470xxxxxx"
            callback: (data) => {
                console.log("Payfonte callback", data, data.reference);
            onClose: () => {
                console.log("Modal Close Event");


The script will load a multi-provider payment option like the image below.